Familia: SOLANACEAE Denumire stiintifica: Lycopersicum esculentum sin.Lycopersicum lycopersicum; Solanum lycopersicum. Denumire populara: Tomate, Rosii, Patlagea rosie, Patlagica, Porodici, Paradaici (Transilvania), Paradaise, Galatana Denumire populara in alte limbi: engleza (tomato), italiana (pomodoro), franceza (pomme d'amour).. Tomatele sunt plante ce …
Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato) Lectin (LEL, TL), DyLight 488, is a bright-green LEL- fluorophore conjugate. The tomato lectin LEL is widely used as marker of blood vessels and microglial cells in rodents and in neuroscience research. It is a valuable tool in studies of rodent tumor angiogenesis and the tracing of neovascular development in ...
A tomato bred especially for patios, window boxes and containers, 'Totem' stacks up more fruit than foliage on a compact plant of just 12 to 18" tall. Perfect for the urban gardener or even for use in an indoor garden, there's no need to stake …
Cherry tomatoes produce an abundance of bright red, flavorful little tomatoes. Their compact size is perfect for growing in patio pots or small-space gardens. Indeterminate vines produce a continuous supply of fruit until frost. …
General information about Solanum lycopersicum (LYPES) Native to South America (Northwest, probably originally Peru). Cultivated throughout the world as a vegetable, mostly under glass or plastic, sometimes naturalizing.
+/- 30 semences Indéterminée. Tomate moyenne à chair orange, juteuse et à saveur équilibrée. Une des rares tomates de l'héritage horticole québécois cultivée pendant plus de 20 ans par le docteur Fowler à Montréal. Ces semences proviennent de François "Veda" Lamontagne, agriculteur écologique depuis plus de 25 ans et responsable des jardins de la ferme Héritage …
Lycopersicon esculentum (Tomato) Lectin (LEL, TL), fluorescein (FITC), is a bright-green LEL-fluorophore conjugate. The tomato lectin LEL is widely used as marker of blood vessels and microglial cells in rodents and in neuroscience research. It is a valuable tool in studies of rodent tumor angiogenesis and the tracing of neovascular development ...
Para lograr un desarrollo adecuado de la planta de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum), es importante seguir algunos cuidados básicos. A continuación, te mencionaré los más importantes: 1. Ubicación y luz: El tomate necesita al menos 6 horas diarias de luz directa del sol para crecer saludablemente. Así que asegúrate de ubicarlo en un lugar ...
FeaturesAn incredibly productive German heirloom variety that has been cultivated since the mid-1800's. The name, 'Riesentraube', translates to "giant grape". Tomatoes are produced in dense clusters similar to a bunch of grapes. Indeterminate vines produce a continuous supply of fruit until frost.UsesCan be eaten fresh off the vine or used in salads and cooking. Excellent for ...
Lycopersicon esculentum. tomato. This is the original plant from which all know varieties of tomato have been bred. The original species is quite a large, branching and climbing plant growing up to 2m tall that is perennial subshrub in its native tropical habitat. The stems and leaves are covered with short hairs.
Features'Mountain Merit' tomato plants produce picturesque, nearly spherical fruits with bright red coloring and excellent firmness. This is a classic tomato that's perfect for salads and sandwiches. The 'Mountain Merit' variety was …
FeaturesThis vigorous grower produces firm, meaty red Tomatoes. Originally developed in 1966 at Auburn University, this is an ideal selection for growing in the South because it performs well in humid conditions. Indeterminate vines provide a continuous supply of fruit until frost. Plants have good disease resistance.UsesCan be eaten fresh off the vine or used in salads and cooking. …
se cultivan anualmente 550,84 ha de tomate redondo, incluyendo al tomate "común" y "larga vida". De esta superficie 263,15 ha corresponden a cultivo en ... Unidades caloricas acumuladas en un cultivo de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) bajo invernadero plástico1 Heat unit accumulation by a protected tomato (Lycopersicon ...
Lycopersicon esculentum. Variété précoce résistante aux maladies. Donne des grappes de petites tomates rouges ovales avec au bout un petit téton. Très bonne conservation. 2,50 € Un sachet contient 30 graines. quantité de Tomate Cocktail Brin de Muguet. Ajouter au panier. Culture. Caractéristiques.
FeaturesA heavy producer of good-sized, deliciously flavored fruit. Determinate vines produce one large crop of Tomatoes. This compact grower is ideally suited for small-space gardens.UsesCan be eaten fresh off the vine or used in salads and cooking. Excellent for flavoring a variety of dishes. Preserve by canning, drying, or freezing. Wash fruits, vegetables …
- máscaras e compressas tomate/sálvia e em loções: tônicas para fechar poros dilatados de peles oleosas; - máscara: hidratante para os seios. - suco de tomate/salsa: artrite. - suco de tomate verde em gargarejos: amigdalite, inflamações na garganta. Algumas espécies do gênero: Lycopersicon. Foto é encontrada em: Lycopersicon ...
Sehr frühe Tomate, mit aromatischen hellroten Früchten. ... Tomate F1 'Cristal' Lycopersicon esculentum. Sehr frühe Tomate, mit aromatischen hellroten Früchten. Einheitlicher Wuchs.; Anzucht: Aussaat in Anzuchtschalen. Sämlinge in Ø 8 cm Töpfe pikieren. Nach der Pflanzung ins Freie Haupttrieb laufend aufbinden.
El tomate cultivado corresponde básicamente a Lycopersicon esculentum, aunque también se cultiva una fracción de la variedad botánica Cerasiforme y de Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium para obtener el producto conocido como tomate Cherry, cereza o de cocktail. En tomate propiamente tal, se ha generado un intenso mejoramiento durante las ultimas décadas como resultado de …
Lycopersicon esculentum are annuals, or short-lived perennials grown for succulent fruit. They have soft, pungent, hairy stems and branches profusely (pinch out tips to promote good …
Herz-Tomate Jolie Coeur; Lycopersicon esculentum Jolie Coeur; eine der schönsten und leckersten blauen Tomaten. Die herzförmigen Früchte werden 5..6 cm im Durchmesser mi... Unsere Seite verwendet Cookies, um bestmögliche Funktionalität zu bieten. Wenn Sie auf der Seite weitersurfen, stimmen Sie der Cookie-Nutzung zu.
Lycopersicon Esculentum ( tomate Principe Borghese ) $ 4.50. En rupture d'inventaire. UGS : 56052 égorie: Nutriments. Produits similaires. Lactuca Sativa ( laitue Romaine d'hiver ) $ 4.50; Lycopersicon Esculentum ( tomate Amish Paste ) $ 4.50; Lycopersicon Esculentum ( tomate noir de Crimée ) $ 4.50;
Lycopersicon esculentum ( Red Tomato ) Will reach maturity in 66 days. Foliage is green and fruit is red, round and smooth. Important Info : Good for midwestern climates but can handle many climates as long as the growing season isn't too short. Try use seaweed fertilizer and don't forget to mulch in colder climates.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide, and contains carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.Yield and nutrient content of tomato are dramatically affected by the application of inorganic fertilizer [].In fact, non-judicious use of inorganic fertilizer may lead to environmental pollution including contamination …
Tomato 'Beefsteak' (Lycopersicon esculentum) Care Guide. Planting Guide; Watering Guide; Pruning Guide; Fertilizing Guide; Select a sunny site, away from trees and close to a water source if possible. Prepare the garden by breaking up the existing soil (use a hoe, spade, or power tiller) to a depth of 12-16" (30-40cm). Add organic matter ...
De son nom scientifique Lycopersicum esculentum, la Tomate considérée à la fois comme étant un légume et un fruit; Elle est très consommée de part le monde entier.De ce fait, la culture de la tomate est très sollicitée dans le monde en général et en particulier au Cameroun par de nombreux agriculteurs.. Dans cet article, nous vous proposons une fiche …
FeaturesA tomato bred especially for patios, window boxes and containers, 'Totem' stacks up more fruit than foliage on a compact plant of just 12 to 18" tall. Perfect for the urban gardener or even for use in an indoor garden, there's no need to stake this heavy producer of small to medium sized fruit. Give this star performer a prominent place in the sun and you'll enjoy a bumper ...
Tomate Roma VF - Lycopersicon esculentum; Tomate Roma VF - Lycopersicon esculentum. Référence Lycopersicon-roma-015. Rupture de stock - Date de disponibilité: . 2,00 € TTC Date de disponibilité: . Solanaceae. Voilà une autre de nos variétés préférées, de par sa vigueur et sa productivité. ...
FeaturesOne of the very best tomatoes for regions with hot summers. 'Summer Set' reliably sets fruit, even in high temperatures. The large, globe-shaped, crack-resistant tomatoes have sweet flavor and are excellent for slicing. The determinate vines produce a single, large crop of tomatoes. Plants will require cages or staking for support.UsesCan be eaten fresh off the vine …
Nome científico (Espécies, Família): Lycopersicon esculentum mill., Solanaceae Nome(s) comum(ns), variedade: Tomate, Marmande Tipo de material reprodutivo: Sementes Peso de 100 sementes: 0.216 g / 0.0076 oz Ciclo de vida da planta: Perene (na natureza), Anual (como cultura) Parte da planta explorada comercialmente: Frutas Média de toneladas potenciais de …
Lycopersicon esculentum 'Red Zebra' ist eine deutlich geflammte Stabtomate mit runden Früchten. Auf rotem Grund laufen die orangeroten Streifen, denen das Rote Zebra seinen Namen verdankt. Die süß-aromatischen Tomaten werden besonders gerne roh gegessen und erreichen einen Durchmesser von etwa 5 cm.