Socio Economic Effects Of Gold Mining Activities In Canada


identifying both the positive and negative socio-economic and environmental effects on the community as a result of mining activities at Connemara Gold Mine and what needs to be done to mitigate ...

Yukon government will not halt mining, despite First …

Pillai said stopping all mining activities would require actions not envisioned in the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) or the Waters Act. Such a move would have ...

Multi-criteria evaluation of the socioeconomic impact of …

In this study, a theoretical model is proposed for evaluating the socioeconomic impact of mining in Canada. This model combines the multi-criteria analysis methods known …

The impacts of artisanal and small-scale gold mining on …

Rural livelihoods are closely linked to the landscapes in which people live and the natural resources present. Across sub-Saharan Africa, increasing pressures from environmental and socio-economic changes – e.g., population increase and migration, climate change, global market demand for resources, and changes in land use – influence the livelihood strategies …

Highlights from PDAC's social impact report: The social …

The importance of respecting Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories is widely recognized in the Canadian mining industry. Understanding the values and culture of an Indigenous community is crucial to a mutually beneficial partnership, but mining companies also have a duty to anticipate the social impacts of their operations on the host community, as well …

Socio-Economic Impacts of Gold Mining in Yellowknife …

This paper will not attempt to answer all the complex issues surrounding gold mining in Yellowknife; it represents a start in outlining the complex social and economic aspects of the gold mining industry in the area. Eggert (2001) has developed a simple but powerful framework for assessing the sustainable development aspects of mining,

Socio-Economic Change Impact After the closure of Mining Activities…

The socio-economic impact of closure of mining activities are the issue that is captured in the mine legislation, however are increasingly including in the mine closure procedures and plans of leading mining companies 4, 8, 9, 10,22.

Socio-Economic Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale …

gold deposits as well as points for washing and panning of rock materials for gold recovery, thereby causing contamination of these sources by heavy metals. 2. AIM AND OBJECTIVES The study is aimed at assessing the impacts of Artisanal and Small Scale mining on the socio-economic aspects of the populace and the environment.

Sustainable development in the mining industry: towards the …

In this review of the literature, we identify the impact that mining activities have had on various social, economic and environmental issues in Canadian society. We also …

The Ban on Illegal Mining in Ghana: Environmental and …

mining activities have dramatically polluted rivers, fouled the environment, and destroyed many farmlands within Ghana. The purpose of this review was to examine the effect of environmental and socio-economic issues of the ban on il-legal mining activities on communities in the Amansie West District of Ghana.

Socio-economic Contribution of Gold Mining in the …

To this effect, the authors examine the complex economic and social aspects of the gold mining industry in the ... The Canadian government provided support for resource industries in Canada following the Second World War through the development of infrastructure and the Emergency Gold Mining Assistance program (EGMA). ... Socio-Economic ...

The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining on local livelihoods in Tanzania: A case study of Geita District" by A. Kitula ... The gold mining industry in Ghana has made a substantial contribution to the country's economic growth by ... This study examined the impact of mining activities on the ...

Mining Industry in Northern Mindanao: Its …

ground water contamination, etc. Likewise, mining related activities can impact local communities both IP's and nonIPs through cultural - ... this study aims to: (1) assess and analyze the socio-economic situation and impacts of mining in terms of sources of income, number of years engaged in mining, methods of mining, and purification ...

Socio-economic Contribution of Gold Mining in the …

In recent years, revenues from gold production in the Yellowknife Mining District have decreased significantly owing to a combination of the declining gold price and production cutbacks.

Potential implications of gold-mining activities on some …

Gold mining and other mining activities globally, especially in developing nations, remain controversial due to evidence of a noticeable impact on the local climate, natural …

(PDF) The Socioeconomic Effects of Large Scale …

The Socioeconomic Effects of Large Scale Gold Mining on Local Community in Ethiopia: Empirical Evidence from Lega Dambi Gold Mining Company ... The study established that informal gold mining activities were poverty driven, …

Analysis of the Socio-Economic Factors That Contribute …

The study also identified the mentioned factors to have been linked with socio-economic reason following interviews conducted with different indigenous, education stakeholders as well as the concern previously ... Artisanal small scale gold mining activities 156 60.0 Farming 9 3.5 Business activities 17 6.5 A house wife 18 6.9 Total 200 100.0 ...

Gold Mining and Its Effect on Natural and Socio …

The study examined the real and existing effect of mining activities on the natural and socio-economic environment in the light of environmental friendly and inclusive mining strategy. Keywords: gold,mining,effect,natural,socio-economic,environment,case,oddo,shakisso,district,oromia,region,ethiopia,policy,implementation,assessment …

Assessing Social and Environmental Impacts of Artisanal …

Keywords: artisanal gold mining, practices, sustainability, heavy metals INTRODUCTION Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is a significant economic activity in most rural areas of developing countries (Agwa-Ejon and Pradhan, 2018). It is defined as a labor-intensive, inefficient, and dangerous gold mining

Effects of Illegal Mining on the Environment, Economy, and …

The mining of minerals has contributed enormously to most African countries' economies. However, the activities involved in these sectors have turned to hunt our environment and human life due to the lack of regulation in this sector. This paper is a review of the effects of illegal mining on the environment, the economy and agricultural productivity in …


A Study done by Women on Mining and Extractives (WoME) AUGUST, 2021 With Funding From OXFAM ASSESSMENT OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ARTISANAL MINING ON WOMEN IN SIERRA LEONE Many women are directly or indirectly engaged in Artisanal mining activities in Sierra Leone despite the flood of challenges facing them in the sector.

Report: What are the social and economic impacts …

The World Gold Council (WGC), a market development organization for the gold industry, has released a new report on the social and economic impacts of gold mining and its implications for growth and …

Assessing Social and Environmental Impacts of

Accepted: 25 May 2022 The environmental implications of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) practices have significantly grown, particularly on environment, socio, and livelihoods of the mining communities. The study aims to investigates the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of these practices. A survey research design including primary …

Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact of Mining on …

Sierra Leone is a resource-rich country with mining being one of the main economic activity in the country. Mining operations has yielded mixed results across the country with the provision of ...


This term refers to mining activities that are conducted on a smaller scale than large-scale mining operations. These activities are characterized by the employment of a limited number of personnel, the use of minimal machinery, and relatively modest production goals. Formalization in this context implies that these mining operations are

(PDF) Effective Community Engagement during the …

The Back River Project is an approved gold mine in Nunavut, Canada owned by Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. Sabina developed a comprehensive community engagement …

Mechanization of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Guinea: Socio

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the gold mining industry in Guinea has expanded immensely, from small-scale artisanal to industrial operations. 1 Industrial mining has been largely stimulated by significant foreign investment, made possible by successive reforms of the Mining Code, the latest dating from 2011 and amended in 2013, initiated under the aegis of …

Assessing The Socio-Economic Impact of Large-Scale …

[1] Some analysts use the term 'Social Impact Assessment' (SIA) instead of 'Socio-Economic Impact Assessment' (SEIA) to capture all human or non-biophysical impacts of any intervention, including economic effects, social impacts and its subsets such as cultural, health and demographic impacts. But others argue that this gives a limited view or impression about the …

(PDF) Assessing Social and Environmental Impacts of

Since the resilience of the gold mining activities has proven to be one of the main sources of livelihoods in local communities of the extraction sites, the state should define a consistent policy of artisanal gold mining taking into account the environmental, social and health. ..., where Y is the environmental and socio-economic effects of ...

The social and economic contribution of gold mining

it does help to demonstrate the sizable economic impact of the gold mining industry, especially in developing economies. Key highlights • In 2021, WGC member companies directly ... Canada 7,436.0 409.4 4,993.9 1,856.9 176.1 21,243 China 8,532.0 882.0 5,524.0 2,126.0 0.0 67,338