Labour Labour Relations In The Mining Sector

Labour Relations Notes.pdf

Week 12: Labour Relations Unions are a central feature in Canadian society, especially in the public sector, and understanding the factors that lead to unionization, and the facilitators of an effective labour–management relationship, are crucial to many managers and professionals today. Although the most dramatic aspects of labour relations include certification, lockouts, …

Explain the evolution of Labour relations the role of trade

Explain the evolution of Labour relations, the role of trade unions, and the changing social landscape in South Africa's mining sector during the late 1800s and 1900s. Like. 0. Answer Created with AI. 4 months ago.

From Cobalt to Cars: How China Exploits Child and …

use of child and forced labor by Chinese firms that mine and refine cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the DRC. I regret that I am not able to attend in person. The existence of exploitative labor relations in the DRC's mining sector is a long-standing, well-known problem that has previously been addressed by Congress, including in a

Labour productivity in coal mining sector in India: with …

Open-cast productivity is much high because, in open-cast coal is extracted by fully mechanized process. No doubt, the productivity of labour in coal mining sector is increases since 1951. However, the productivity boom of labour in coal mining sector at all India level is only due to productivity boom at open-cast in Orissa and Tamil Nadu.

SA Journal of Human Resource Management

Purpose: The purpose of this article was to present the current collective engagement stakeholder strategies for South African labour relations. Motivation for the study: The SA mining sector has seen more violent strikes, with a higher number of deaths, injuries, criminal activities, arrests, dismissals and job losses in recent years.

Labour in Global Production Networks: Workers and …

accounts of labour in GPNs, our research project asked how employment relations in the mining engineering services sector in Australia were shaped and, more specifically, what role labour, …

Labour Relations Policy Framework for the Public Service

Members of the above-mentioned institutions are not covered by theLabour Relations Act, 1995. The above institutions need to establish their own labour relation policies. In respect of sectors in the public service that have their own labour relations policies, this pol-icy will only apply insofar as it is not contrary to such policies. 6.

Promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the …

The Project with the support of the Social Partners and ILO will try to address the current challenges of Labour relations and employment matters in the mining sector. The Project is in two parts one component on fundamental principles and Rights at Work funded by USDOS, and the Right to Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective ...

Explain the evolution of labor relation the role of trade …

Evolution of Labor Relations in South African Mining Sector (Late 1800s - Early 1900s) The late 1800s and early 1900s marked a significant period in the evolution of labor. ... Reflect on South African labour laws and provide an overview of how employee relations issues differ in global environments based on the employment‐at‐will concept ...

Rebalancing Labor Relations In The Mining Industry

In many ways, 2023 marked a turning point in labor relations—it's been a big year for unions. From Hollywood writers and actors to the United Auto Workers, in 2023 we saw major unions make jaw ...

The State as Employer: Labour Law and Industrial Relations …

The State as Employer: Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector - Author: Sandra Fredman, Gillian Morris The research aims to highlight the differences between State and non‐State employees, and to establish an analytic framework of discussion, looking at the different types of legal and non‐legal regulation in public ...

An analysis of the Human Resource practices in the …

nature of the mining industry which calls for the industry to engage a huge labour force in order to maximise returns (Matangi, 2006). Despite these challenges, the mining sector in Zimbabwe is on a growth trajectory and the Zimbabwean government has pinned total economic recovery on the revival of the mining industry (Moyo; 2013).

Women in mining

Home South African Journal of Labour Relations Vol. 39, No. 1. No Access. Women in mining : a conceptual framework for gender issues in the South African mining sector ... The main objective of the study was to critically analyse gender issues in the mining sector and then to develop a conceptual framework that will enable the mining sector to ...

Rebalancing Labor Relations In The Mining Industry

In many ways, 2023 marked a turning point in labor relations—it's been a big year for unions. From Hollywood writers and actors to the United Auto Workers, in 2023 we saw major unions make ...

The relevance and impact of South African labour law in the …

The Labour Relations Act (LRA) provides for collective bargaining and strike action, but collective bargaining in the South African mining sector is failing and has not produced the desired result. Strike action has become more common and strikes are often violent and …

Unit 1: An Introduction to Labour Relations

Unit 1: An Introduction to Labour Relations 1. Describe the concept labour relations Definition: the area of study practice of the roles of the interactions between the parties to the labour relationship, the various rules regulations that govern that relationship the environment in which the relationship plays out An term used to describe the dynamic complexities of the …

Mining Sector Wages in South Africa

determination of wages in the mining sector. Data on a sample of firms operating in the South African mining sector was collected and used to assess their cost structures, particularly the …

South Africa adopts hard-line stance on labour relations

President Jacob Zuma said Wednesday he would push a hard line on labour disputes in the mining sector which have been causing uncertainty in the country's economy, reports Reuters.

Labor Relations in the Public Sector, Part 1 | Workforce

Also read: Labor Relations in the Public Sector, Part 2 Ling added that it is important to openly share the reasons behind changes in key leadership roles and the overall strategic direction. At the municipal level of government, public-safety budgets can garner a larger portion of the organization's overall financial resources.

Mining Sector Wages in South Africa

1.4 The Changing Contribution of the South African Mining Sector 2 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Wage Determination in South African Mining Sector 7 2.2 Industrial Relations in South Africa 8 2.3 Labour Laws in South Africa 10 2.4 Centralised and Non-centralised Collective Bargaining in South Africa 11

Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor

Industry: Mining of lithium and the mining and panning of gold, using dangerous chemicals such as cyanide and mercury, and extracting material from underground passages and quarries.† ... Section 3.1 of the Labor Relations (Employment of Children and Young Persons) Regulations; Section 2 of the Children's Act: Prohibition of Slavery, Debt ...

What are challenges still facing the South African labour …

The mining industry in particular has suffered severe labour relations instability since shortly before the Marikana tragedy, in August 2012, and the growing significance of a new mining trade union has presented very significant challenges to collective bargaining in the sector. The impact has spread to a number of other industries.

Industrial Relations in the British Non-ferrous Mining Industry …

The record of industrial relations in the coal and metal mining industries during the nineteenth century was sharply different. The coal mining sector developed large and permanent trade unions from an early date and experienced increasingly troubled relations between management and labour, while the non-ferrous mining sector saw largely peaceful relations …

South Africa: The rise of employee value in the …

While labor unrest in the mining industry, and those industries that support mining, is increasing, mining employers are also considering changes in their employee relations strategy that move from the primary focus being on …

Expert Legal Services by Barter McKellar for the Mining Industry …

Labour and Employment Law in Mining. The mining sector is one of South Africa's largest employers, making labour and employment law a significant concern. Barter McKellar provides counsel on all aspects of employment law, including drafting employment contracts, advising on labour disputes and ensuring compliance with the Labour Relations Act.

The Marikana Massacre: A Historical overview of the labour …

PDF | On Oct 4, 2018, Chitja Twala published The Marikana Massacre: A Historical overview of the labour unrest in the mining sector in South Africa | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...

CSR and Labor Policies in the South African Mining Industry

Through a desktop review, the study revealed that South African mining companies are guided by numerous labor legislations and policies. Despite the presence of …


The Ministry of Labour's vision is to develop high quality, skilled and employable human resource, in an effort to create and increase wealth to the nation. The Ministry's mission is to facilitate technical and vocational training in Malawi to ensure a high quality, skilled, employable and productive workforce necessary for socio-economic ...

The Relevance and Impact of South African Labour Law in the Mining

However, if this leads to mining companies being less reliant on labour, then these changes will have a negative impact on the jobs of mineworkers. This article looks at the legal framework that governs the mining sector in South Africa in the context of 4IR. The Labour Relations Act (LRA) provides for collective bargaining and strike action ...

Implementing social and labour plans in South Africa: …

The mining sector's share in South Africa's economy has declined over the past 30 years, as has employment on the gold mines. Yet many new mining areas have developed. Mining growth has been driven primarily by platinum …