This is cut by numerous northeast-trending dikes of diorite, rhyolite, and diabase. The veins occupy a zone 1.25 miles wide that trends north-northwest. The upper parts of the veins are oxidized and contain free gold and iron and manganese oxides.
Gold occurs associated with iron oxides in the oxidized parts of the veins. At the Jaeger mine, several narrow gold-quartz veins form the lode; similar veins probably were the source of the placer gold. Literature. Mining Journal, 1946: Reports location and development of Jaeger lode claims and prospecting of adjacent placer claims.
Lane County has been a relatively small gold producer even though mining of the precious metals began as early as 1858 and continued in a desultory fashion through the 1940's. Most of the gold has come from veins in the Bohemia and Blue River districts. ... The gold deposits are in oxidized-sulfide veins of Eocene or younger age.
The vein Contains some sulphides on the third level and is practically all oxidized above the second level. It has been largely stoped out from the second level to the surface. The wall rock shows strong alteration to quartz and sericite. Text from Arizona Lode Gold Mines and Gold Mining, Arizona Bureau of Mines. Original 1934, revised 1967
40,252 gold vein stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free for download. ... A shiny gold vein in the solid rock. A gold mine. Expensive noble metal. Golden ore. Wealth. Precious treasure. Concept of investing capital, finance, banking purpose. Gold deposit.
comments. comment (deposit): ore in small veins that cut both andesite and granite.productive part of vein in granite. vein dips from 80 n to 80 s and contains 2 ore bodies. an altered zone 75 ft s of main vein contains 2 other veins that strike n 85 e and dip 80 s. they are made of stringers of quartz and tourmaline across a width of 15 in.
A second page of beautiful nugget photos: GOLD AND PLATINUM NUGGETS. I also have a page of beautiful Gold Ore Specimen photos: GOLD ORES AND MINERALS. I also have a page of beautiful Silver Ore Specimen photos: SILVER ORES AND MINERALS. For more information on gold vein ores, check out my page of CALIFORNIA MOTHER LODE GOLD QUARTZ VEINS
A second page of beautiful nugget photos: GOLD AND PLATINUM NUGGETS. I also have a page of beautiful Gold Ore Specimen photos: GOLD ORES AND MINERALS. For more information on gold vein ores, check out my page of CALIFORNIA MOTHER LODE GOLD QUARTZ VEINS
The Walker mine in the southern part of this district has been considered by some workers (Kilbreath and Leger, 1978; Kilbreath, 1979) to be a metamorphosed volcanogenic exhalative deposit. The mine was not examined during this study, but it has many features similar to other nearby hypogene tourmaline- bearing copper-gold quartz veins.
At the Golden Mile and Clay Peters mines, gold-bearing quartz veins occur in the Luning Formation of Triassic age (Ross, 1961, table 6.1). ... Spaniards. The town of Columbus was founded, but the district developed slowly because of the complex mineralogy of the oxidized ores. In the 1870's, the Northern Belle mine was successfully developed ...
The Gold Hill Mine is a gold and silver mine located in Whatcom county, Washington at an elevation of 5,823 feet ... (BLUISH-GRAY TO WHITE OR RUST COLOR), TALC, AND SOME CALCITE. OXIDIZED PART OF LODE IS 700 X 200 FT AND CONTAINS TWO LEADS. MAIN LEAD IS 5-15 FT THICK; OTHER TWO ARE 30-36 IN. ... THE VEIN IS 4-30 FT THICK. …
The Alabama-California Mine is a silver and gold mine located in Placer county, California at an elevation of 551 feet ... The vein consisted of banded quartz in layers an inch wide with large irregular bunches of oxidized sulfide. At one location, the vein was split into footwall and hanging-wall seams, with the dip flattening to 46 degrees ...
Most of the gold has been recovered as a byproduct from the silver-lead-zinc veins, in which galena, pyrite, and sphalerite are accompanied by quartz and calcite. The gold-bearing veins are chiefly in a small area about 20 miles south of Libby. They are quartz veins with small amounts of native gold, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and pyrrhotite.
By 1874, the early placer workings had cleared out, but veins of gold had been found. ... were worked intermittently for several years. In 1874 vein deposits were found in Culver Gulch. For many years only the oxidized parts of the veins were mined, but in the late 1890's extensive development revealed new and rich ore bodies and for a while ...
The placer gold along White Creek was derived from the same gold quartz veins on Miller Mountain that supplied the gold of Confederate Creek (Pardee and Schrader, 1933, p. 162-163, 174, 179). The source of the placer gold in Magpie Gulch and its tributaries and in Avalanche Gulch is considered to be the quartz veins that are associated with ...
gold deposit. Samples from all vein sets were collected from drill core and assayed by the fire assay-AA method; no gold was detected in the calcite veins. Neutron activation of quartz crystals separated from qsp-calcite veins indicates gold in quartz crystals is <2 ppb. Since the hydrothermal veins contain
How these gold veins form in time spans as short as days from hydrothermal systems that only contain trace amounts of the metal has been a geological mystery. It's one that now has an answer, from the most unlikely of …
These mesothermal gold quartz veins occur in many places across the globe and well-known examples include the Motherlode gold-quartz veins of California, the Golden Triangle of …
The ore occurs in quartz veins, which are oxidized in the upper part, and contains iron oxide, gold, and silver. In the Revenue mine, the most productive in the district, the zone of oxidation extends to the 200-foot level. Some oxidized ore also …
The Red Boy Mine is a gold and silver mine located in Grant county, Oregon at an elevation of 5,000 feet. ... At least five veins have been explored, the Red Boy, Monarch, Blaine, Concord, and Congo. ... ECON: OXIDIZED TO 2000 FEET . Comment (Workings): MOST AU-CU ORE IN FISSURE DEPOSITS IN TINTIC QTZITE PB-AG ORE IN OXIDIZED LIMESTONE ...
The Starlight Mine is a gold mine located in Yavapai county, Arizona at an elevation of 6,499 feet. Skip to content. ... A Collection of Arizona Mining Photos Where to Find Gold in Arizona Mine Description ... these mines were rather extensively worked in the oxidized zone, which was generally from 40 to less than 200 feet deep. Later, sulphide ...
Mine Description Situation and history: The holdings of Humbug Gold Mines, Inc., in the southwestern Bradshaw Mountains or Humbug district, consist of approximately 100 claims and include the Fogarty, Queen, Little Annie, Heinie, Lind, and Columbia groups. Humbug camp, at an elevation of 2,600 feet on Humbug Creek, is accessible by 9.5 miles of road which branches …
In that country the assertion is made with tiresome iteration that veins become richer below the water level, because in the oxidized zone the ore has been impoverished by the leaching out …
In low sulfidation the main control for Gold deposition, is fluid boiling – caused by a drop in the confining pressures the fluid approaches the surface. This below is an image of a simple low sulfidation vein system, with …
Significant recovery of gold began with the production of copper from the sulfide ore of the New Cornelia mine. Prior to 1924 the district produced only 178 ounces. From 1924 through 1934 about 130,000 ounces was recovered (Gilluly, 1946, p. 101), and from 1935 through 1959 about 860,000 ounces was recovered.
Considerable gold and silver was extracted from the shallow oxidized parts of these veins, and after 1895 the primary sulfide ore was mined for gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc (Wilson and others, 1934, p. 41).
The eastern part of the Gold Point Project covers several past-producing underground gold-silver mines that explored along parts of five prominent vein structures. ... The mineralization is ...
Photo about Oxidized zones of quartz reef deposits, the gold occurs in its metallic state in quartz rock in an Australian gold mine. Image of mineral, crystals, 19th - 148097045. or Sign in ... Free Free image trial - 15 images …
Find Mineral Deposits Veins stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, 3D objects, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. ... small gold, copper and pyrite samples in granite and quartz rock. ... (zinc …
Gold Mining & Metal Detecting. Metal Detectors . Detector screaming at pyritic vein material. ... It is not oxidized at all. Will post a picture when I can, maybe next week. Reply. G. goldshark Well-known member Supporting Member. Joined Aug 12, 2021 Messages 1,361. Jul 24, 2022 #4 Here are some pictures of some gold and pyritic vein material I ...